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Documenting Place

This series has a very homey/ lived-in vibe. The lighting in the pictures as well as the small details help bring the viewer in to the pictures, not only because of how close up the subject matter is but also into the lives of those living in the space. The colors have a warm/ cozy effect on the subject matter. Lastly, the items are all things that everyday people will have seen sat some point which makes the series very easy to connect with. The connection throughout the series and the way that the viewer sees the images are very similar. Both will be focused on how intimate the subject matter is as well as the strong connection people will be able to make between the series and their own lives. This series also helps send the viewer back to all of the small moments in their lives that they often dismiss. These are the moments where they notice the small details in things around them, but they don’t realize they are noticing them. This piece was not influenced by any specific artist or body of art, but it was heavily influenced by my own life. I spent majority of my life being overly anxious about everything, especially things that I did not need to worry about. Since I have learned to deal with my anxiety and since my mental/emotional state have improved I have started to notice and enjoy things I didn’t use to notice. I also live by myself, because of this I pay more attention to the little things in my house—like paint, dust, cracks, organization, etc. It was because of the little things in my life that I decided I needed to document them so I don’t forget the small things in life.

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