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How My Body Shows My History

Viewer discretion is advised! Disclaimer: These photos were taken for educational purposes and they include some nudity. All of the images are taken with the intent to demonstrate my project's topic. These are not meant to offend anyone. I have chosen to share my project for a couple reasons. First, as an artist/ student I take my assignments and artwork very seriously. Second, I don't think I need to be ashamed of my artwork, regardless of the images included, nor should I feel like I need to refrain from posting them due to others opinions. This is one of the most important assignments I have ever done and I feel like it has helped me grow as an artist. That being said. Not all of the photos include nudity, and you do not have to look at my project if you don't want to. I simply ask that you be respectful and please keep negative comments to yourselves, since this was a very sensitive topic. Thank you. My project: The following photos are my Photo 1 final. The assignment topic was the human condition and we were required to turn in 10, 8"×10" prints. Each student was required to pick their own personal topic, one that was important to them, and I chose to do my project over how my body shows my history. These photos were all taken by me with a film camera, and processed by hand in a dark room. I spent over 15 hours on this project, and it has helped me grow as an artist more than any other project I have done. I have always asked myself when I would be a strong enough artist to take chances and to really allow myself to be vulnerable for the sake of my art. I have been inspired for many years by the artists who put themselves into their art, and those who take the biggest risks. I decided that this project was my time to take that step. These images include various parts of body, and each one shows a part of me and my experiences. Although some show growth through the passage of time, my feet and stretch marks, some show very emotional events from my life. My final critique: I had a very positive critique. I received a lot of good feedback, including positive comments about my technique and processing outcomes. I would like to thank my classmates for being so kind and supportive of me throughout this project. It was very stressful in the beginning and I wasnt sure how they would handle it. They not only helped give technical and unbiased opinions and advise throughout my project, but they also helped me feel more comfortable by laughing with me when things were not going as planned. We spent a lot of late night hours working on this and a lot happens at night in king hall. We often referred to the pictures by the body parts in them and this lead to lots of humorous and awkward encounters, for example a janitor walked in on us all discussing how my breast was too blurry. Because of their kindness,I loved this project and I loved working with my classmates. Thank you for your time and support.

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