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The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, was a self-portrait sculpture project and also the first project of the semester. In this project we were asked to create no less than three heads and stands. The project began by having us create a self-portrait head with clay, and then we used silicone to create a mold of it. After the mold was created we made a mother mold to help stabilize the silicone mold. Once our molds were created we were asked to make three heads using cement, plaster, and paper. The final pieces did not have to be these specific three, but we were required to make them in order to demonstrate our abilities. My final heads consisted of a half cement half plaster head decorated with gold modeling paint, the good head, a plaster mold with a partial resin head, the ugly, and a cement head with black modeling paint, the bad. Each head was presented on a stand made of a cinder block filled with plaster and decorated to match its coordinating head. 

Metal Hook Practice

The metal hook project was created to help students learn and practice all of the available techniques and tools offered to help us create our metal projects. These techniques and tools include but are not limited to: a torch, anvil, welding gun, band sanders, drill press, and chemicals.


Curves, was created using a steel sheet my professor provided. This project utilized forging for almost the entire piece. A few spots of welding were required to attach all of the pieces together, but all together the project was a great experience and a wonderful addition to my senior show, Growing Pains. This piece, along with many of my other pieces, have been a way for me to explore my identity as a transgender individual, as well as, my experiences with coming out, chest binding, dysphoria, and everyday life.

I Thought It Wood Bee Cool

I Thought It Wood Bee Cool, was created by wood burning on a piece of cedar. The wood burning was done with a magnifying glass and the sun. I created this piece for my Nature project, which was to be made out of only natural materials. 

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